Protecting Wisconsin Workers

Wisconsin Jobs

  • Protecting Wisconsin’s labor market from low-paid, out-of-state workers should be a priority for all elected officials. Working for Wisconsin supports strong worker training and apprenticeship programs, preferences for state residents, and proven policies like prevailing wage laws.

Safety Standards

  • It comes down to one simple question: Do you want our bridges and schools built by untrained workers or by Wisconsin’s highly-skilled workforce? We can’t put our safety – and the safety of our children – in the hands of low-wage, unskilled, out-of-state workers. When proud Wisconsin workers are on the job – workers who are trained to be the most productive, skilled, and efficient in the business – we ensure quality work.

Worker Misclassification

  • Unscrupulous contractors all too often will intentionally misclassify employees to pay lower than market wages or to avoid payroll taxes. By falsely classifying workers as independent contractors, crooked employers avoid Wisconsin taxes, pay lower wages, and get a leg up on law abiding, responsible, businesses. Working For Wisconsin supports policies that ensure that all contractors play by the rules.


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